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Fierce Honesty

Only when I became fiercely honest was I able to see myself as an authentic man—fierce honesty helped me see I'm a Point Of Light...

Chapter One: The Darkness of Rape
In a life lived, I've learned this truth: "Life isn't simple nor is it simply understood." This lesson would be learned by my then high...

Chapter Two: Can a Boy Experience #MeToo?
They say when a person speaks out about abuse it can free others to speak. I don't want to say #metoo, I mean, being a 6-year-old boy I...

Chapter Three: Bruising A Boy's Spirit
If you read the introduction to this deep dive into my fierce honesty, you're aware I first wrote and posted this on Facebook. This is...

Chapter Four: The Air Force and The Church
In June of 1978, I was 18 and heading to basic training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio Texas. After I arrived there, I received six hard...

Chapter Five: Hat-Trick Rejected
In 1970, when I was 10, a Carpenter taught me—"And when the evening comes, we smile, so much of life ahead, we'll find a place where...

Chapter Six: Becoming a Wisp of Smoke
I've been wondering how I'd discuss this piece of my life. It's a very large chunk containing critical importance, and yet it makes me...

Chapter Seven: The Kids and Exodus 34
I already knew I was going to choose the Carly Simon song "That's The Way I've Always Heard It Should Be" so that I could paint more...

Chapter Eight: The Willis Tower and Five for Fighting
If you've read all the previous fierce honesty up to this point, I'd have to say I've been able to write everything that preceded this...

Chapter Nine: Finding the Light of Redemption
Several good things coalesced for me to help make my healing possible and reveal to me all the light that had always been present in my...

Chapter Ten: Conclusion
How do I start to wrap this up? Seems I wrote this as a sort of manifesto back in 2010... ​ Tod Thomas Price September 5, 2010 This Much...
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